My family and I are forever grateful for having the opportunity to know Physic Medium Dianne Walters-Butler as a friend and as a source of healing. Dianne came into our lives following the passing of our Mother after a long battle with cancer. We had the benefit of watching Mom reach out into the next world when the illness reached the final weeks; but, did not fully understand what was taking place and how to help Mom. Through individual readings and family group sessions with Dianne discussing how we begin our lives, the process of living in the light, and the death and dying process, our family has found enormous peace and happiness since Mom's passing. My brother lost his young wife two years ago, leaving four children. The situation was very sad. With Dianne's support, his wife and their family prepared, prayed, and understood what the afterlife would have in store, which brought additional healing. We now understand our two family members living on the other side are still very much with us. Opening our eyes to the signs and messages sent from above and understanding our place in time has brought happiness and peace to a higher level for our family. Our family shares our experiences with others so they may also find peace not only in death situations; but, with everyday life challenges. Thanks Dianne for the happiness you brought us! - Carolyn T.
My first session with Dianne was a birthday gift to myself. I had no idea she would give me support and friendship from then on. Dianne has helped me understand myself better, and has answered many questions I had about friends and family who have passed on. She is grounded and practical, but also compassionate and warm hearted. A winning combination! - Ingrid K.
After my sister passed from cancer I came to Dianne for a reading. She informed me that my sister was there and she was concerned about the jewelry. I had no idea what she was talking about, but went home to look at the jewelry and found nothing extraordinary. A while later I saw Dianne again and my sister was still insisted (through Dianne) about the jewelry, telling me to look behind something. I once again looked at the jewelry and found a pair of earrings in a small box. I pulled the tab and looked behind the earrings to find my sister's wedding ring which I took to the jewelry store and it was assessed a value of $12,000. -Jill G